1. Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 27 BMW MSV80 MSD8X MSV90 DME Read/Write ISN and Clone with License A51E
2. No need to open the shell of DME nor program, quickly read/write ISN and clone on bench mode.
3. Can work with both ACDP-1 and ACDP-2 Master
1. Yanhua Mini ACDP newly update function of reading ISN on Bench!
2. Support BMW N13, N20, N63, S63, N55, B38 DME,etc. Read and write Dflahs and Pflash to achieve DME cloning.No removing DME shell anymore! Free Punching!
3. Can work with both ACDP-1 and ACDP-2 master basic version module
1. Yanhua ACDP 2 BMW DME ECU Clone Package with License
2. Includes ACDP-2 Master and Module 3/8/27 & B48/N20/N55/B38/X1/X2/X3/X4/X5/X7/X8/MSV70/MSS60/MEV9+Interface Board
3. Read and Write BMW ISN, support BMW ECU Clone
1. Yanhua ACDP Mercedes Benz DME/ISM Refresh Module 18 with License A102
2. Support Mercedes-Benz 271/272/273 etc. DME and ISM refresh.
3. Can work with both ACDP-1 and ACDP-2 Master basic module
1. This package includes ACDP 2 Master basic version and Module 15/16/18/19
2. Support Mercedes Benz DME Refresh Clone
3. Support Mercedes Benz Gearbox Refresh Clone
1. Mini ACDP Module 32 K-Line module clone with License A502
2. Support mpc56x chip DME and TCU clone
3. Can work with both ACDP-1 and ACDP-2 master basic version
1. Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 15 Mercedes-Benz DME clone with License A100
2. Support Mercedes Benz X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7 DME clone via Bench Mode.
3. Can work with both ACDP-1 and ACDP-2 Master basic version
This package N20/N55/B38 Bench board set+ Diesel DME X1/X2/X3 Bench board set+ X4/5/7/8 Bench board set+B48 B58 Bench board+MSV80 ISN Interface Board+MSD85 ISN Interface Board+MSV70/MSS60/MEV9+Interface Board+ BMW DME clone license(if you want to read isn, you need have ISN Module 3).
Yanhua ACDP-2 ECU Clone Module with License A51C Support BMW N13, N20, N63, S63, N55, B38 DME,etc. Read and write Dflahs and Pflash to achieve DME cloning.No removing DME shell anymore! Free Punching!
1. ACDP-2 Module 18 Mercedes-Benz DME/ISM refresh with License A102
2. Support Mercedes-Benz 271/272/273 etc.DME and ISM refresh.
3. Can work with ACDP-2 master basic version only, can not work with ACDP-1 master
Yanhua ACDP-2 DME ECU Clone Package with Module 3/8/15/18/27 and 12 Bench Interface Boards for BMW and Mercedes Benz
Yanhua ACDP-2 MB DME Package with Module 15/18 for Mercedes-Benz DME Clone/ISM Refresh